What are Dental Implants?
If one or more of your teeth are missing, you may want to replace your tooth with a dental implant. A dental implant requires surgical placement of a titanium screw in the missing space and fuses into your jawbone. Once healed, an artificial tooth (dental prosthesis) can be placed into the implant.
Many patients prefer dental implants over conventional dentures, as they tend to be more stable, comfortable and longer-term success.
Correct placement of your dental implant is critical to have an ideal cosmetic and functional result. Dr Oztel uses contemporary intra-oral scanning, 3D CT scanning and 3D printed surgical guides to carefully plan and carry out the dental implant insertion surgery and ensure accurate placement
What is a Dental Prosthesis?
A dental prosthesis is an artificial tooth that is placed on the implant by your dentist. This may be a single tooth (crown), multiple teeth (bridge), or may involve all of your teeth. Some dental prostheses are permanent and are screwed or cemented onto the implant, whilst others are removed to be cleaned daily.
What Does a Consultation for a Dental Implant Involve?
As your initial consultation, Dr Oztel will take a thorough history and comprehensive examination of your teeth and jaw. He will review your x-rays and CT scans and may refer you for further investigations if required. Dr Oztel discuss your treatment options with you, the benefits and risks of each option and answer any questions you may have.
What Is the Procedure to Insert a Dental Implant?
Some dental implants can be placed under local anaesthetic (while you are awake). While others may be more difficult and require placement under general anaesthetic in a day hospital setting.
Stage One
The procedure to insert a dental implant involves an incision over the gum to access the underlying bone. A dental implant is then inserted into the jawbone using contemporary surgical techniques and instruments. Once it is placed, Dr Oztel will use resorbable stitches to close the wound which usually take between 2 to 3 weeks to dissolve.
The dental implant requires time to heal in the bone, which may take up to 6 months.
In some circumstances, you may require a bone graft. Depending on your individual situation, Dr Oztel may complete a bone graft before the implant placement, or at the time of implant placement. If you do require bone grafting, Dr Oztel will discuss this with you, the benefits and risks of bone grafting and answer any questions you may have.
Stage Two
After healing, a second procedure is required to place an ‘abutment’ through the gum and into the dental implant. An abutment is the supporter connector for your final prosthesis. Your dentist or prosthodontist will prepare your final prosthesis.
Some dental prostheses are permanent and are screwed or cemented onto the implant, whilst others are removed to be cleaned daily.
Where appropriate, Dr Oztel may place the abutment at the same time as the dental implant.
What Can You Expect After Dental Implant Surgery?
Recovery time after Dental Implant surgery depends on your age, medical conditions and complexity of the surgery performed. Generally, recovery is quick and you will be able to return to work within 1 to 2 days after each procedure.
Following surgery, it is normal to experience some pain, swelling and discomfort. These symptoms can by managed through rest, pain relief and applying cold compress. Depending on the complexity of your procedure, your symptoms may subside within a few days, or up to one week. A soft diet is required for short period post-surgery.
If you have any questions or concerns in the post-operative period, Dr Oztel will be available to discuss these with you.
Dr Mehmet Oztel
Dr Oztel is an Australian trained contemporary Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon. He has completed 17 years of study and training in Medicine, Dentistry and Surgery specialising in the surgical management of the teeth, jaws and face.